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Exploring the Cultural Richness of Rajshahi City: A Must-Visit Destination in Bangladesh

  • 2nd March 2023
  • #varendraresearch
  • #puthiatemple
  • #Baghamosque
  • #Mahasthangarh
  • #Chhotosonamosque
  • #Shivatemple
  • #Varendraanushilan

Rajshahi city, also known as Silk City, is located in the north-western part of Bangladesh. It is a city with a rich cultural heritage and is famous for its silk industry, mangoes, and ancient archaeological sites. With a plethora of temples, palaces, museums, and gardens, Rajshahi is an ideal destination for travelers who love to explore the cultural richness of a city.Rajshahi is a city with a rich cultural heritage and historical significance. Whether you are interested in exploring ancient temples and mosques or learning about the silk industry, there is something for everyone in Rajshahi. So, if you're planning a trip to Bangladesh, make sure to add Rajshahi to your itinerary and experience the cultural richness of this beautiful city.

Top 10 Places to Visit in Rajshahi:

  1. Varendra Research Museum
  2. Puthia Temple Complex
  3. Bagha Mosque
  4. Mahasthangarh
  5. Chhoto Sona Mosque
  6. Shiva Temple
  7. Varendra Anushilan Kendra
  8. Bara Kuthi
  9. Puthia Rajbari
  10. Bagdhani Mosque

For any information or make a booking call +8809638-230230 (24/7) or email : [email protected] ( 24/7). Alternatively, Click Here to search and book your flight, hotels and tours.

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